The Town of Troy New Hampshire

Heart of the Monadnock Region

Planning Board

The Planning Board's regulatory duties, based on NH RSA 673, include the review and approval of subdivisions, lot line adjustments, and site plan review applications. The Board is also charged with maintaining a Master Plan (last revised in 2007) and other ordinances and policies that purposefully guide land use in Town.  Applicants must make an appointment. To do so, please contact Elizabeth Watson, Clerk.
The first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
At The Troy Town Hall,
16 Central Square Troy, NH 03465
Zoom Meeting ID: 830 2266 0354

Passcode: 694943Dial: 1-929-205-6099

Kyle Smith, Chair  (2027)
Henry Underwood, Vice-Chair (2025)
Jack Gettens, Secretary (2027)
Matthew Meacham, Member (2026)
Michael Leclerc, Member (2026)
Curtis Hopkins, Select Board Ex-Officio Member 
Kim Cassidy, Alternate (2025)

P.O. Box 249
Troy, NH 03465
(603) 242-7722 Ext. 1