The Town of Troy New Hampshire

Heart of the Monadnock Region

Information for New Residents


The first thing you should do is visit the Town Clerk's office in Town Hall. During this visit, you can do the following:

1.  Register your motor vehicles.

If you have moved here from outside New Hampshire:
You must register your vehicle before you go to the Motor Vehicle office to get a driver's license.  Bring the title to your vehicle or the name and address of the lien holder, date of purchase, and mileage.  Also, bring your current registration and proof of troy residency (real estate closing papers, lease, utility bill showing your Troy address).  Bring a check; one for the state and one for the town.  Or you can pay in cash.  You will receive two license plates for each vehicle.
If you have moved here from within New Hampshire:
No need to update your registration until renewal time, but be sure to change your address with the Motor Vehicle Licensing Division.  When you renew your registration, bring your current registration and proof of residency (see above) and a check or cash (see above).

2.  Register to vote.

You may choose to register as a member of a particular political party, or you can register as unaffiliated.  Registering for a party allows you to vote in that party's primary elections.  Bring proof of residency.  That can be a deed, lease, utility bill.  Show a government-issued photo ID.

3.  Get a license for your dog.  Tags are usually available by the end of January. Deadline to license a dog is April 30.

The cost of a one-year license varies. 

Unneutered males:  $9.00
Neutered males:  $6.50
Unspayed females:  $9.00
Spayed females:  $6.50

Puppies under one-year-old are registered at the spayed/neutered rate.

If you are older than 65, the cost to license one dog is $2.00.  For additional dogs, the rates above will apply.

Be sure to bring proof of rabies immunization within the previous three years.

4. Get a pistol permit.  Permits are no longer required for concealed carry in New Hampshire but many residents still want the optional permit to take advantage of reciprocity with other states.  A four-year permit costs $10.

5.  Get an access sticker for the Transfer Station.  You can drop off your recycleables for free, but you must use Town of Troy bags to put household trash in the compacter.  You can buy the Town of Troy bags at the Town Clerk's office or at the Transfer Station.


The Gay-Kimball Library is located on the corner of South Main Street and Monadnock Street.  The parking lot is just around the corner on Monadnock Street.  The entrance is behind the building by the parking lot.

For more information, visit the library's web site at this link:


Our town elections are held every March on the second Tuesday. Voting is at the Samuel E. Paul Community Center, 61 South Street. Polling hours are 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Bring a government-issued photo ID.

The following evening, we gather at the Troy Elementary School for Town Meeting. It begins at 7:00 pm and lasts until business is completed. Sometimes we're out of there before 8:00 pm.  Sometimes it's closer to midnight.

This is our annual legislative session where you, the voters, are the legislators. You will vote on the town's annual operating budget as well as various other expenditures.

Don't miss it.  It's the best show in town.


In a small town such as Troy, the citizens make most of the decisions through committees, commissions, and boards. These groups meet regularly to discuss various aspects of town government and to make decisions and recommendations. These meetings are open to the public, and we encourage you to attend.

Click on BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS on the home page for a list and for meeting information.  Most meetings are held at Town Hall or at the library.


It's located on Quarry Road, east of Route 12 south of the center of town.  Hours are Noon to 4:30 pm on Friday and 8:00 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday 

You can throw your trash bags in the compactor, but you must use Town of Troy bags which can be purchased at the Transfer Station or at the Town Clerk's office at Town Hall.  There are two sizes of bags available.  Large bags are $10 for a package of ten.  Small bags are $5 for a package of ten.

Nothing is allowed in the compactor unless it is not able to be recycled and it is in a Town of Troy trash bag.

After you throw your trash bags in the compacter, drive a few more feet to the recycling center.  See the separate section about the Transfer Station to see what can be recycled.


Our Festival Committee hosts many activities year-round on our historic common including concerts, Memorial Day parade and service, craft fairs, and the annual Fall Festival.  Other groups also host events on the common.  Watch the Troy Town News for more information.


The Samuel E. Paul Community Center at 61 South Street is the venue for many activities for families and for individuals.  The town's Recreation Committee hosts many of these events.  Check their Facebook page to see what's on the agenda.

The community center is named for Dr. Samuel E. Paul who practiced medicine in Troy for many years.  The building was a gift from his son, Mr. Peter Paul.  It was dedicated Sept. 20, 2014.

The community center is located on the grounds of the town's recreation area.  The official name of the area is the Samuel E. Paul War Memorial Recreation Area.  Many long-time residents call the area "Sand Dam."

The community center is also available for rent for private parties, wedding receptions, etc.  For information on renting the community center, call the town Recreation Director, Bob Norton, at 313-2243.


For a small town, we have more than our share of eating establishments.  Click on the RESTAURANTS tab on the home page for a list of restaurants and links to their web sites or Facebook pages.


The Troy Communicator, is a private publication that comes out the first of every month (except August).  It contains many times more information about the town and what's going on than any daily newspaper.  It is mailed free to all town residents.  Copies can also be picked up at the Town Clerk's office or the Post Office.


Senior Living Help (, an organization that provides senior living assistance to the elderly. Senior Living Help assists New Hampshire senior citizens, their family members and caregivers in finding appropriate senior living and care facilities. Many elderly adults are no longer able to be cared for at home, so finding a senior living facility with caring and loving staff becomes necessary. This is when your residents can come to us for help. Your residents will greatly benefit from knowing about Senior Living Help and using our free services.


If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 or call Cheshire County Dispatch at 355-2000.  They will contact an on-duty police officer and send him or her to your location.

The Police Station is located behind Town Hall, but it is generally not staffed as officers on duty are usually out on patrol.


Call 9-1-1.

The Troy Fire Department has an ambulance squad ready to respond to any medical emergency.