If you are unable to pay your rent or your utility bills, the town may be able to help you.
Please Contact the Selectmen's office for assistance.
Phone: 603-242-7722 ext. 1
Welfare Office Hours:
By Appointment Only
If this is an emergency, contact Cheshire County Dispatch and an officer will contact you and the Welfare office.
Taxpayer Assistance Programs
NH Housing
State of NH Taxpayer Assistance
There may be additional credits (Veterans, Elderly, etc.) that you might be eligible for. Please come in or contact Town Hall for these applications (these applications are also available under Town Forms on the Town website for your convenience).
1. Fill out an application for General Assistance
* Print an application from this website: HERE, call the town office, (603)242-7722, to have one mailed to you or go to the town office and pick one up.
2. READ PAGE 1 and gather all documents that apply to your household.
* If it does not apply to you, you do not need to submit it.
*Documents are required for everyone living in your household.
3. Submit your application with all documents
* Bring the application and all of your documents to Troy Town Hall and drop it into the Dropbox outside the Welfare Office, or mail it to Town of Troy - Welfare Office, PO Box 249, Troy, NH 03465 or email everything to Welfare@troy-nh.us
4. If required documentation is provided and verified, a decision is made within 7 DAYS.
* If required documentation is not provided, you will be mailed a notice of the paperwork still needed before a decision can be made.
* If your situation is considered an emergency, a decision will be made within 72 hours IF you submit all required documentation with your application.
5. A NOTICE OF DECISION will be sent to you.
* If you are eligible for assistance, you will be notified, and the amount awarded is the total amount for which you are awarded.
* Any assistance will be mailed directly to the vendor within 10 days of the decision being made.
6. Assistance is not on-going.
- The Department does not pay for dentures/dental work, hearing aids, or eyeglasses. Certain Civic agencies may be able to help. Call Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, Rotary, and local churches.
- The Department does not pay for internet, car payments, car repairs, car registrations, license renewals, drivers’ education, tuition, classes, lessons, credit card payments, or legal fees or fines.
- You may apply once a month. You will need to submit a new application and provide all requested documentation.
- If you are able to work, you will be required to look for work and keep a log of the places you applied to as proof that you are looking for employment.
- If you claim you cannot work, you need to provide a doctor’s note stating you cannot work.
- If you do not have the requested documentation, it will delay assistance until it is received and verified by this office.
- A Notice of Decision shows the amount of assistance granted or denied, required referrals to other agencies, and what you need to do to receive assistance.
- If you have savings and/or retirement money, you must use it. If you do not have access to retirement money, you must provide a letter from the agency that holds your retirement funds stating you do not have access to it at the time of your application for assistance.
- REPAYMENT TO THE TOWN: If assistance is granted;
- 1. You are required to repay all assistance once your income increases. A Repayment Form will be provided and signed by all parties; or
- 2. A Lien will be placed against your property for the amount of assistance granted.