The Town of Troy New Hampshire

Heart of the Monadnock Region

Recreation Committee

The Recreation Committee is responsible for all recreational activities throughout the Town of Troy. They are the primary users of the Samuel E. Paul Community Center. Activities during the year include roller skating at Troy School; Movie Night, Ladies Night, Family Game Night, and Paint Night at the community center; various dances; Pokémon; and a monthly community breakfast on the first Saturday of each month, 7 am to 10 am at the community center.

Click Here to visit the Troy Recreation Committee's Facebook page for up-to-date information on activities and events


Bob Norton, Director
Raymond Saunders, Secretary
Jacob Bertolami
Stephanie Campbell
David Ellis
Pilar Goodell
Lexie Hopkins
Kyle Smith
Bill Stinson
Debra Wilson
Robert Norton
Emily Goodell
Curtis Hopkins (Selectmen Rep.)


The Recreation Committee meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM

at the Samuel E. Paul Community Center, 61 South Street.


Click the links below to view upcoming scheduled Monthly Community Dinner dates: